The story takes place in Brazil and Germany and the main characters are Ezra Liebermann, who in real life is called Simon Wiensental and is a Jew from Austrian; and Dr. Mengele, a sick doctor who makes research on twins. I chose this read because it is an interesting story and it mixes facts and characters from real life and fiction.
In 1974, many years after World War II, Dr. Joseph Mengele meets other six people to explain his plan: "ninety-four men must die in the next two and a half years. The Aryan people will be the rulers of the world". These six men must kill the ninety-nine people. All of them are 65, they are or were civil servants, they have wives in their forties and have a thirteen-year-old son.These are Hitler's circumstances as a teenager and all teh kids are the result of Dr. Mengele's genetic experiments to clone Hitler.
Ezra Liebermann discovers Mengele's plan. They meet and Mengele tries to kill Ezra, but a cloned boy stops him.
The author masterfully mixes facts and stories and teh book is very well-written and action-packed. I would recommend this book to people who like suspense. You can find out more about real-life characters. It si one of these books you like discussing with a friend.
By Rosa María iRodríguez Rivas (Intermedio 2)
Great!!!! I think that¨s a good suspense book!